Galup Virtual Reality (VR) Experience Event DatesSat 03 Jun 2023 City of Mandurah Presents

Galup Virtual Reality (VR) Experience

Reconciliation Week ADD TO FAVOURITES

Virtual reality experience that explores the impact of truth-telling and brings people together for connection and healing.

The theme for National Reconciliation Week this year is Be a Voice for Generations, a premise that encourages all Australians to be a voice for reconciliation through storytelling.

Galup is a virtual reality experience about the history of Lake Monger in Perth. It was created by Noongar theatre-maker Ian Wilkes and film-maker Poppy van Oorde-Grainger with an oral history from Elder Doolann-Leisha Eatts about a massacre at the lake. This powerful experience explores the transformative impact of truth-telling, examines the destructive nature of colonisation and brings people together for connection and healing.

There are 6 sessions to choose on the day:

Cost: Free but bookings essential as places are limited.


Duration 20 Minutes

Recommended Age & Warnings
Age 13+