Harmony on the Boardwalk
The Choir’s emotional and sensitive treatment of songs will stir the passions and excite you in unexpected ways! Goosebump territory for sure!
The origins of the Sydney Male Choir go back to 1913 where a tragic industrial accident ended the violin career of a promising musician – so Charlie Miller started a choir!
The Sydney Male Choir, which is touring WA in March 2022, has become an iconic part of the Sydney music scene over the ensuing 109 years. With musical director Warwick Tyrrell leading the Choir, audiences will delight in the sheer range and variety of the concert program. We are looking forward to this concert where we will be joined by the Perth Male Voice Choir and the Melbourne based Australian Welsh Male Choir for a great evening of entertainment.
With the Choir having spanned generations of singers over its long history, the music is always fresh and relevant as it engages its audiences in a wonderful embrace of energy, soaring harmonies, – and sheer joy; not surprising for a bunch of guys whose mission is to ‘Bring Joy Through Song’! For more on the Choir go to: www.sydneymalechoir.com