Plein Air Artists
“For me painting is an unfathomable process of the heart and I trust my intuition to lift me to where logic can’t go.”
Main Gallery: Warwick Fuller, Leon Holmes and Jos Coufreur supported by James Walker, Rod Cameron, Hilly Coufreur, Deborah Zibah and other members of the Mandurah Plein Air Artists Incorporated.
Outdoor painting, or as the French would say, “en plein air”, is characterised by the luminous effects of natural light and atmosphere.
The main gallery features artists Warwick Fuller, Leon Holmes and Jos Coufreur who present their uniquely individual response to the landscape, with plein air studies exhibited alongside larger studio works, inspired by the natural and built environment.
Warwick Fuller is one of Australia’s foremost living landscape painters, a Fellow of the Royal Art Society of NSW and has paintings hung in private, corporate and institutional collections in Australia and overseas.
Leon Holmes is a professional, international award-winning artist who paints from life on location, without the aid of photography. He uses his small studies as reference for larger works created in his studio and travels regularly to exhibit and teach.
Jos Coufreur began en plein air six years ago after moving from NZ to Australia. He captures the Australian landscape in vibrant colour and also enjoys painting streetscapes and heritage buildings.
About Plein Air
Plein air painting (or as the French say, en plein air) is the act of painting outdoors.
Using your immediate surroundings and braving the elements such as wind, rain, sunshine, a curious public or pesky insects, the artist aims to capture the landscape in one sitting without photographic reference.
It’s this immersion in, and engagement with the landscape that inspires the artist to leave the comfort of their studio to chase the light, and work hard for their art! The tradition of plein air took flight with the Impressionist movement and it has been gathering momentum ever since with national and international painting events held on a regular basis.
The Mandurah Plein Air Artists was formed in 2011 and is a mix of professional and amateur artists, each working across various mediums such as oils, watercolours and acrylics, and with their own style. Each member of the group has something to share.
This group of plein air enthusiasts meet every Tuesday morning at various locations chosen by its members and welcomes newcomers to take part, observe, ask questions or simply see what tools and materials are used.
If plein air painting piques your interest, join the Mandurah Plein Air Artists group on Facebook, see where they are painting each week and come along to join in the fun.