The Official Blues Brothers Revue Event DatesThu 09 Jan 2020

The Official Blues Brothers Revue


Sanctioned by Dan Ackroyd and Judith Belushi!

Blues Brothers fans across Australia are rejoicing! The incomparable Official Blues Brothers Revue from America is coming to Mandurah and Wayne Catania and Kieron Lafferty, aka Jake and Elwood, are on a mission to deliver the most dynamic and authentic Blues Brothers show to hit our shores

Judith, Dan and the John Belushi Estate, have officially sanctioned Kieron and Wayne’s own show. The Official Blues Brother s Revue combines the comedy, music and mayhem from the original movie, as well as songs from the five popular albums put out by John Belushi and Dan Aykroyd. It is a faithful recreation of the characters, Jake and Elwood, and a spectacular tribute to Chicago’s rich history of blues, R&B and traditional soul music, played with the same soul and conviction of the original Blues Brothers Band.

Now fronting a world-class band complete with horn section the Official Blues Brothers Revue is a concert experience for the whole family.

Celebrate the Blues Brothers in a show that really hits the road- a briefcase full of blues!


Duration Approx 2.5 hours including 20 minute interval